07841 048975


Anal Fissure

An anal fissure is a small tear on the skin around the anal canal that often give symptoms of bright red bleeding and pain on passing a bowel motion. This can either be an acute anal fissure or a chronic, long-standing, non-healing anal fissure. If you have these...

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Anal fistula (‘Fistula-in-Ano’)

An anal fistula (‘fistula-in-ano’) is an abnormal connection from the skin on the outside of the back passage to inside either the anal canal or sometimes the rectum itself. An anal fistula can result from several conditions but most commonly from prior abscess around...

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The appendix is a small finger-like projection of the first part of the large bowel or colon known as the caecum. Several conditions can arise from the appendix, including appendicitis (inflamed appendix) or tumours that can arise from within the appendix. Removal of...

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Bowel Cancer

Cancers arise when abnormal cells divide uncontrollably, then invade surrounding tissues or organs and eventually spread to other parts. Cancer that grows from within the large intestine (colon) or back passage (rectum) is termed colorectal cancer. Bowel cancer is the...

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Bowel Problems in Spinal Patients

Patients with underlying spinal cord problems often also have issues with their bowels. This can include functional issues with the colon where one has difficulty opening their bowels and severe haemorrhoids. Of course, other bowel problems that affect non-spinal cord...

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Constipation is an extremely common condition. If you suffer from constipation, we will take a detailed history and perform a clinical examination when you come to our clinic. We would look for signs of underlying medical problems that a leading to constipation....

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Diverticular Disease

Diverticular disease is a very common condition that can affect anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract but most commonly involves the large intestine, particularly the sigmoid colon. Diverticular disease often causes no symptoms. Diverticulitis is the term given to...

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Endoscopy is the general term for a ‘camera test’. A flexible camera called an endoscope examines the upper gastrointestinal tract, a gastroscopy, or the lower gastrointestinal tract called a colonoscopy. We can perform all of these tests for you and do these with or...

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Faecal Incontinence

Faecal incontinence is a condition where a person does not have control over either gas, liquid, or solid stools. Faecal incontinence can affect the quality of life of patients who suffer from it. Because of this, we work extremely closely with you to maximise your...

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The gallbladder is located underneath the liver and is part of the biliary tree. The liver makes bile, the function of which is to dissolve fats in your diet to allow their absorption in the intestines. Once the liver makes the bile, it goes through a network of tubes...

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Groin Hernias

A hernia is where part of the body (an organ or a piece of tissue) protrudes through a defect (usually in a muscle) and often causes a lump. Groin hernias include inguinal and femoral hernias. We deal with both of these and specialise in recurrent groin hernias....

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Haemorrhoids (piles) are very common. They often present with bright red bleeding from the back passage either on the toilet paper or in the toilet basin. Haemorrhoids are essentially enlarged veins around the back passage. They are graded from grade 1 (internal...

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a range of conditions where there is inflammation throughout the intestines. Most cases of inflammatory bowel disease are either Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s disease affects any part of the gastrointestinal tract...

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Obstructive Defaecation

Obstructive defaecation is where a patient strains when passing stool and has a sense of incomplete evacuation, sometimes having to use a finger to remove stool from the back passage. This syndrome is highly complex and requires careful management to improve...

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Rectal Intussusception

Rectal intussusception is where the wall of the rectum invaginates in on itself when you open your bowels. It is also termed ‘internal prolapse’.  It may give symptoms such as obstructive defaecation where you cannot empty your bowels properly and feel as though...

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Rectal Prolapse

Rectal prolapse is where part of the bowel protrudes out from the back passage. We see rectal prolapse that ranges from affecting only the rectum lining to full-thickness prolapse of all layers of the rectum. Prolapse often causes symptoms of pain, the passage of...

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